I had smoked for over 13 years and had tried pretty much every stop smoking aid available. I had one session with Tracey, where she took me through my reasons for starting, why it had such a grip on me, and methods that help you through withdrawal. The later part of the session involved hypnosis, and Tracey took me through the issues raised initially, and changed my mind-set, allowing me to say goodbye smoking. I have not smoked since.
Stop Smoking Now!
Hi there,
It has been a while since I have participated in stopping smoking sessions due to specialising in a different arena, Should you wish to stop smoking, please do reach out and I can recommend some therapists who are fabulous with smoking cessation.
Warm wishes, Tracey Grist.
Are you happy to continue to smoke when millions of people worldwide find it socially unacceptable? If so, why is that? What does smoking give you? Are you happy watching your money go up in flames? Are you happy to continue smoking when you consider the effects smoking has on not only your internal body but the way you smell, your looks, that it causes premature ageing and an increase in fine lines, stained teeth etc. Have you ever actually given yourself the time and space to really consider all the health implications of continuing to smoke?
Some hard (and some horrible) facts about cigarette smoking:
Around 10 million adults in Great Britain smoke cigarettes – That’s 21% of all men, and 19% of all women.
Over 65% of smokers start before the age of 18
Smoking causes around 80% of deaths from lung cancer, around 80% of deaths from bronchitis and emphysema, and about 17% of deaths from heart disease.
More than 25% of all cancer deaths can be attributed to smoking.
The hard way….
If you have enough will power and discipline you could simply go cold turkey and do it the hard way. Although many people report side effects such as mood swings, irritability, bad temper, cravings and weight gain. Of course if you did have sufficient will power, why wouldn't you have done it by now?
Actually, many people are misinformed about the best way to stop. A lot of the information about giving up smoking is simply propaganda to sell alternative products! Why go from one nicotine based product – cigarettes, to another nicotine based product – patches or sprays?
You wouldn’t use heroin to kick a heroin addiction!
Or… There is the EASY way!
Hypnotherapy helps you to stop smoking by using the power of your subconscious mind to change your thinking processes, making it so much easier to stop.
A research study at Iowa University in 1992, involving 72,000 subjects looked at many different ways to stop smoking, (including nicotine patches) – their results showed hypnotherapy to be the most effective method of giving up smoking.
Modern hypnotherapy techniques can achieve 60% success rates from one single session.
Hypnotherapy and the use of hypnosis has proven fast and effective when it comes to quitting smoking. Compare these facts:
The effects of hypnosis to stop smoking are often immediate. The aim is to help you become smoke free as quickly as possible without a negative impact on your life.
Hypnosis to stop smoking is tailored to you as an individual, based on your life and experiences; dealing with any particular triggers that you have that prompt your desire to smoke.
Hypnosis for smoking cessation gives your mind powerful suggestions that help make the change a permanent way of being.
Effective hypnotherapy for stopping smoking helps to avoid unwanted side effects such as irritability, cravings, mood swings and weight gain.
A brighter, healthier, smoke free future…
How will you feel when you suddenly realise that you have got rid of smoking for good? When you notice that you don’t even think about smoking at all any more? Think what your friends will think when they realise that you no longer smoke and that you did it easily? Finally, how will you feel about yourself when you have actually achieved something that you thought you could not do? What will that do for your feelings of confidence and self worth?
Achieve your goal, today!
Your skilled and experienced therapist has helped many people achieve their goal of getting rid of cigarette smoking for good, that’s why so many ex-smokers refer their friends and families. Tracey at Hypnotherapy Balham will endeavour to help you to stop smoking in the shortest amount of time possible, it might just take a single quick session. Most clients feel healthier, more energetic and best of all, feel more socially accepted.
Don’t let smoking control you, drain your energy, your bank account or rob you of your looks.
Make a better choice, a choice to stop.
Contact Tracey now for an informal chat on whether you are ready to stop for good.