I get it, when we get to the point of therapy, and more often than not, Hypnotherapy… Everything else we have attempted has failed in some way, I know, I’ve been there.
So as a therapist that specialises in hypnosis, I’ve been on my journey, I’ve been in circles only to come back to the same point, time and time again.
So I know, by the time we choose therapy we are at a point where we need kindness, the voices in our head have been so loud and so powerful that we don’t need another judge, we need solutions in being stronger, we need to get rid of the pain.
Somewhere we have been told that life is linear; we start broken and then we heal and become better, or even perfect, or whatever we work hard at gives rewards. These beliefs are our bedrock, but change can happen instantly, it isn’t about the slog, it is about knowing where to tap. Good therapy is tapping at the right point, but to get to that right point, getting to know you, how you work is an integral part of the work. That is why opening up to the right therapist is important - we don’t know who you are or how you work and until we see the template, we don’t know where the work needs to be done.
I also understand that opening up can feel dangerous, especially if we come from a family where growing up hasn’t been a safe place to express our needs or assert our boundaries or we’ve worked in a toxic environment for so long that we have totally lost sight of ourselves. Which is why, over the years I have come to understand that therapy is about both of us; I sit with you, not just with my training and knowledge, but as a person who knows how unsafe it feels to feel broken and how scary it can be to trust someone.
In our sessions you have the power and I hold the space for you to feel safe - you can ask me questions, you can even ask me my thoughts and I will do my best to answer…Whether you think I am right or wrong- that’s for you to decide. You know yourself the best, and if you don’t know you right now, it’s a great way to know yourself, a great way to understand why something does or doesn’t feel right. My only investment in you is my want for you to thrive.
Doing the work isn’t just about pain and tears, doing the work is also about relationships, experiencing joy and laughter.
I keep our sessions lighter because I know that when we are in the hole, drowning, or lost in the darkness, experiencing joy and safety is hugely important in a session, and I will hold that balance so when you leave, you aren’t open and raw, you feel stronger than you did when you first came in
Photo by Natalia Gusakova on Unsplash