Bruxism is the medical term for teeth grinding or jaw clenching, and like blushing is often a physical reaction to anxiety or stress. About one in ten people (including children) in the UK experience bruxism, with the condition being most common between the ages of 25 and 45.
Teeth grinding may occur in some people without any significant other symptoms or effects. However regular and persistent grinding may cause other problems such as pain or discomfort in the jaw, tension and discomfort in the neck and shoulders, headaches or earache, and will eventually wear down the teeth which could lead to expensive dental treatment.
Although some people experience bruxism while they are awake most teeth grinding takes place subconsciously during sleep. Whether awake or asleep the common causes (70% of cases) are stress and anxiety although lifestyle can also have an affect: alcohol, smoking, recreational drugs (particularly Ecstasy and Cocaine) may all play a part and increase the chances of teeth grinding. Antipsychotic and antidepressant medication can also be a cause in some people, particularly the most common type of drugs prescribed currently by GP's to help alleviate depression, namely SSR's or selective seratonin reuptake inhibitors.
There are a number of possible treatments for bruxism, but only a few have been found to be effective. Hypnosis is amongst the most effective.
Your dentist may fit a mouth guard which may help with the symptoms and offer some short term relief, however it is important to address the underlying causes.
Hypnosis is very effective for dealing with stress and anxiety related conditions. Every time you have a hypnotherapy session you will be experiencing benefits on several levels:
Hypnosis is relaxing and the effects are incremental, in other words the more you do it, the more relaxed you become.
Although you may be taught ways of consciously dealing with stress and anxiety by your therapist, therapeutic suggestions are installed and changes take place at the all important subconscious level during hypnosis.
You will probably be taught self-hypnosis or relaxation exercises which you can practise by yourself at home. These lead not only to greater levels of general relaxation and calm and consequently lower levels of stress and anxiety, but can also be used to develop deeper and more restful patterns of sleep.
Teeth grinding can be an annoying, painful and disruptive habit so why continue to suffer? Call Tracey today: 07976 629098.