It is probably fair to say that we all have our fair share of bad habits. Some of them are inconsequential and are of no real concern. However some bad habits can have a major impact on our lives and the sooner they are dealt with the better.
We create both good and bad habits in the same way, simply by repetition. Indeed the name we often use to describe 'good' habits is skill. We create a skill by practising something over and over again in the right way. if you want to improve your tennis serveyou consciously set out to serve the ball in the best possible way, repeating and practising good form until it becomes an automatic process: something you can do with your eyes closed without having to think about it.
Bad habits are created in just the same way, simply by repetition. However they are rarely something we set out to get good at. They are usually a subconscious process, something we have repeated over and over again but without the conscious focus on achieving excellence.
However what they both have in common is that habits or skills both ultimately lie in the domain of the subconscious.
So why do we create bad habits in the first place? Our reactions to situations and events are based on experiences and processes in the subconscious mind. As with an addiction the subconscious may actually feel a bad habit is good because it has stored the feeling of satisfaction from doing something in the past. The subconscious will refer to emotions experienced in the past, and these emotions will automatically trigger when you think about or repeat a particular behaviour. In other words up until the point you recognised there was a down side to this behaviour your bad habit has given you some form of pleasure, or you would not have been doing it!
Hypnosis bypasses the conscious part of the brain known as The Critical Factor.
This is the part that says, "I can't change and doing this won't help."
If someone said to you right now "The next time you feel like a large portion of pie you will eat a raw carrot instead" you would probably laugh and help yourself to another slice. But suggestions made in hypnotic trance avoids the conscious, critical part of the mind and go directly to the subconscious instead. Suggestions are planted unobtrusively in the subconscious where they can grow and develop and affect behaviour and increase motivation to change.
Furthermore harnessing the power of the imagination means new and better habits can be mentally rehearsed in much the same way as sportsmen and athletes improve their game through mental practise and visualisation.
Hypnosis puts you back in the drivers seat so you can control your own automatic and unconscious reflex habits
So in fact you can actually achieve two for the price of one: Hypnosis can not only help you get rid of old negative habits, it can also help you install new beneficial ones.
No matter what the problem hypnotherapy can help - whether it is nail biting, hair pulling, skin picking, teeth grinding, putting things off, too much time spent online social networking or viewing porn, drinking too much, snacking and eating too much, too much tea or coffee, smoking, too much TV and being a couch potato.
Whatever the bad habit is that you want to be free of, hypnotherapy can help. Call Tracey today for a free and confidential consultation.