The first thing to consider with Panic Attacks is, are you having a physical reaction? Is this something physiological?
It is worth, before looking at the mental aspect of panic attacks to speak to your doctor and check that your bloods are fine, sometimes having low iron can lead to anxiety, sometimes you may need to check your vitamins. Rule out the physiological first if you’re having panic attacks out of the blue.
If you aren’t having panic attacks out of the blue, then that is a different matter.
Before even considering therapy it is worth having a small think about the name, ‘Panic Attack’…. And doing what we call in the industry, a reframe… Where we really consider what it is we are saying to ourselves.
Sadly the name itself can spike the imagination into action, the word, Panic alone is enough to, well, inspire panic.
Without even considering the word Attack.
Panic’s and Attack’s definitions according to the Dictionary.com :
A sudden overwhelming fear, with or without cause, that produces hysterical or irrational behavior, and that often spreads quickly through a group of persons or animals.
An instance, outbreak, or period of such fear.
To set upon in a forceful, violent, hostile, or aggressive way, with or without a weapon; begin fighting with.
Naturally, given the word itself is a combination of ridiculously scary suggestions is it any wonder we feel defenseless in the face of a panic attack?
So, the first step to defeating Panic Attacks is to dismiss the pumped up hyped words and call them exactly what they are;
A wave of emotions.
It’s OK to let go of the old definition and consider using a ‘wave of emotion’ instead- waves can be Tsunami- destructive or gentle, but they will be your waves.
Attack not only invites you to think of heart attacks and therefore death but it also suggests outside influence that you have no control over; happening anywhere at any time without you knowing when-
What we do know by doing the reframe is, that when a wave comes, it will be your wave; your body, your mind and because of that you will always be it’s master because it is your emotions.
You can choose to drown in the wave, surf or witness it’s splendour.
Yes, it’s nowhere near as dramatic as calling it a Panic Attack, but hey, that is what freeing yourself from anxiety is all about, isn’t it?
Hypnotherapy can be a brilliant tool for taking control of your feelings and emotions, call Tracey today to calm your storm or surf the wave.
Photo by BEN SELWAY on Unsplash