"First of all, I wanted to say thank you soo much for helping me to feel more centred and more at peace and accepting of myself. I really enjoyed our sessions together and loved the way you worked. My holiday in Cuba went really well and the flights there and back went so much better than before - there were no sleepless nights before or obsessive thoughts, the fear has pretty much gone! So, thank you, lovely lady!"
When does fear become a phobia?
A fear can be an annoyance: occasionally taking the stairs in preference to lifts, for example. It is not considered a phobia till it seriously disrupts your life. If a fear affects your ability to function in your daily life, at work, at home or socially, then now might be the time to seek professional help.
Do you ever suffer from any of the following?
A feeling of uncontrollable panic, terror or dread when you’re exposed to the source of your fear (panic attack)
The feeling that you must do everything possible to avoid what you fear
The inability to function normally because of your anxiety
Do you sometimes make plans based around your fear i.e “I can’t go there/do that/be close to that, because I might have a panic attack!”
Physical as well as psychological reactions, including sweating, rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, a feeling of panic and intense anxiety
Often, the knowledge that your fears are unreasonable or exaggerated but feeling powerless to control them
In some cases, experiencing anxiety just thinking about what you fear
Phobias are irrational.
A phobia is an intense, (usually) irrational and persistent fear of certain animals, locations, people, activities, things, or situations. The main symptoms of phobias are panic and the intense and unreasonable desire to escape the feared subject.
Phobias are the most common form of anxiety disorders. 15% of the population suffer from phobias.
It is generally accepted that phobias arise from a combination of external events and internal predispositions. When someone suffers with a phobia the fear can be boundless. It is so profoundly set in the subconscious mind that it predominates rational thought processes. The basic feature of any phobia is a conflict between conscious and subconscious processes in the mind. Hypnotherapy is a supremely efficient agent in relieving phobias, because it allows the therapist to communicate with these thought processes and to break through the existing thought pattern.
Many phobias can be traced back to a specific triggering event, usually a traumatic experience at an early age. Using hypnotherapy we can remove the emotion from that event, allowing a different response to be installed.
Hypnotherapy and other techniques are used to teach the individual to stay calm and resourceful whenever you are confronted by potentially phobia inducing things or situations, thus short circuiting the panic response.
Hypnosis is quick and easy, and it lasts!
Although you may be talking about things you find deeply disturbing and scary the process is nevertheless a relaxing and comfortable experience. Usually only a few sessions are required.
Imagine being free from the torment and terror your phobia causes you, no longer a prisoner to your irrational fears.